These guys are just made up. Though I did see someone with the Ipod arm band which inspired the jogger...and the face on the guy dressing was a guy I saw downtown one day.
This weekend is gonna be pretty busy but I will do my best to draw a guy each day. I'll hopefully also sketch while I'm out at the Pride festivities this weekend.
Oh yeah, last post I drew a guy whose picture I found on the net. Well it turns out someone who visits my blog (Hi Thom) knew who the guy was. Check out Eric at his blog KnuckleCrack Eric is a writer, activist and organizer of jump rope parties. Also, you can judge for yourselves just how off I was on the likeness :)
Happy Pride, folks.
Another great bunch of pictures, J - Love the last one, particularly, it's slightly erotic and the guy looks SO handsome! Also, it's great how his body language works, like he's checking himself on a mirror trying on his shirt.
J. (another one)
P.S.: Since the subject of variety came up on the comments of the last post, how about a bear or two? ;^)
Hehehe, you got him while he had his beard dude. its quite accurate, beside, its about emotions and attitude, that topples ultimate likeness anytime. They're sweet dude !
A second vote for Bachelor Number 3 :)
well done, Kudos you
James - Thanks, James. Hope you like the bear posted (monday 30th). I saw many fantastic bears this weekend during Pride. One in particular will be a future GaD!
Sph1nx - Attitude in caricature is always important, I think. It's like old Mad parodies...they didn't always get a good likeness but sometimes the acting was dead-on.
Javier - Isn't it great that beards have made a comeback? I can't imagine not having my beard.
Johnny B - Thanks, Johnny B.
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