Monday, July 21, 2008

Battle to the Death!

So there I was peacefully lying on the dock, listening to the waves lap, lap, lapping at the rocks, cold soda fizzing by my side, thoroughly engrossed in my first reading of Dune when I snapped bolt upright....I'd forgotten to set up my blog for an automatic update!

Crumbs! I've been working on a mock cover for a nonexistent galactic barbarian comic. Just something to doodle when I get a minute here and there. Only I didn't even have a spare minute to scan the unfinished pencils let alone ready the update. *sigh*

So here I am...late. And with (please don't be angry with me) no Guy a Day update!!!

I drew a few at the cottage. But I was really enjoying Dune and swimming and eating and napping and reading and swimming and I didn't really do a lot of drawing. Now that I'm back I've got quite a lot of work to catch up on. Soooo...I probably won't be updating with the same regularity as I did in June and the beginning of July. But I will be drawing a guy for each day of July, catching up on the days I missed. The cottage inspired a lot of sweaty, sun-soaked images that I really need to sketch.

My apologies, guys. I'll get back on track once I'm caught up with work.

your semi-suntanned summer lover,

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: GaD!

The last picture says it all. I'm off on a vacation for a week! I'm going to sit on a dock by the lake, read, sleep, eat bbq'd meat, swim and not bathe for a whole week. That means I won't be able to update for a week because there is no internet in cottage country (at least not for me). What I am going to do is set up a few things to post while I'm away so that there'll still be a reason to drop by! :)
When I get back, monday the 21st, I'll have a whole weeks worth of guys to post.
p.s. That's my dog lying under the hammock. He's such a sleepy little pup.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday: GaD!

I've been checking out Aaron Nace's photos on his Flickr page and thinking about my Guy a Day sketches. I really want to be more creative with some of the situations I draw...including adding more humour. Hence the classic slip-on-the-banana-peel and guy-carrying-plate-glass-window-with-out-of-control-cyclist-rolling-down-hill gags. The other two were guys I'd seen on the weekend and are just regular style pin-ups.
Work is really keeping me super busy lately. I'm absolutely loving what I'm drawing right now...I'll let you know about it soon (Hint: It rhymes with "duperman" and "girthgay").
Happy summer!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: GaD! July Edition.

These are all guys I saw and snapped shots of at Pride. The guy above was in the crowd and had the best white moustache. I love the way he cuts just a strip of it to bare his chin. He had a great tan which made the moustache stand out even more. He was a lot taller than I've drawn him here... a failing of mine that I tend to draw fairly stocky characters and big heads. I've got to really plan out ahead of time to draw a taller character.

Imagine that the shorts here are orange...just like the shorts the girls at Hooters wear. Super adorable orange shorts. This guy was working with a theatre company and helped me apply an Avenue Q tattoo to my arm.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Belated Birthday!

Happy Belated Birthday, Javier! Hope this little sketch makes up for my forgetting (I had to go back to my first post to remember what you'd requested.) I chose Ron Ely because I'm a big Doc Savage and Tarzan fan.

Regular Thursday post to come on Thursday!

p.s. Let's not count this as the 100th post. Let's pretend it's the 99 and a half post! :)