Friday, May 12, 2006

Jett Vector!

Not much jibber-jabber from me today...instead I'll show you some comic pages done for fun, of a character I really, really want to get back to. I've got a loose plot figured out (courtesy of my writing pal, Clay Moore) , I just haven't had the time away from paying gigs to draw it.


LUC said...

Awesome!! Nice package too. :)

Dorian said...

Nice. That's the kind of space adventurer whose exploits I could really enjoy, and I don't like sci-fi.

j. said...

Thanks, guys.

I gotta admit, Luc, sometimes I'm such a prude that I get nervous about drawing a big package like that! But then the prude loses out to the perv...



C.Edwards said...

I "effing" love it!!!

And that is one great lookin' pouch!