Monday, June 18, 2007

Toronto Pride!

Hey guys, it's Pride week here in Toronto! And quite a few other places as well, by a lot of blog accounts. We've been having incredibly hot weather here...and I don't mind a bit. Actually, I do mind it because T.O. gets a lot of smog alert days and it's no fun riding your bike when the air is poor. But I much prefer the heat of summer to winter's bitter chill.

Last weeks Antebellum Toon Fetish gallery opening went swimmingly, according to those who attended. Aman kindly shared with us his coverage on his blog. Dronio also posted a link to his Flickr page of pictures. Thanks guys, for sharing those with us. Looks like the opening was lots of shirtless fun! :)

So Happy Pride, everyone. My next update might be photos if I get some good shots. I'm always on the look out for the Real Jett Vector!



Skullossus said...

Interesting graphic treatment of the background. And the brushes you chose for the jean shorts are great! Overall it's a great colour scheme.

LUC said...

Happy Pride bro! Have a great time! We're heading to Seattle for theirs this weekend too!

HvH said...

Way cool, as always.
Like King of Hearts, I loved the colouring on this piece.
Hope the art exhibit is a smashing hit for you and for all the great artists involved. Can't tell you how much I would have loved to see it.
Anyhoo, Happy Pride and enjoy those hot days you're having :)


PS: One of these days, if you let me, I'd like to try my hand at painting one of these illustrations you show here ;)

j. said...

King of Hearts - Thanks. I didn't want to do just a "scene" behind this guy...and I thought the graphic shapes could still suggest beach and sky but be much for interesting.

Luc - Happy Pride to you and yours. Have fun in Seattle. I'll look forward to the post about it on your blog.

HVH - Dude, I'd love to have you paint one of my drawings. Just tell me which one you'd like to do and I'll make sure you get a high res file on which to colour. I love the texture you do in your art.


tosl said...

happy pride! hope you get a great time!

j. said...

Tosl - Many thanks. I had a great Pride. Took some pictures of some lovely men. I'll do some drawings based on the guys I photographed rather than post the photos.

I'll just say that the guys cleaning up the streets AFTER the parade were a second parade unto themselves. I wasn't the only one taking pictures!

