Wednesday, January 03, 2007


All right...this is THE closest to nudity you're probably gonna see on this blog! I know that more of Adam's bits and pieces should be visible but you won't see it here so please don't ask. :)
So this is image number 2 in the continuing theme. I think everyone already knows but I appreciate the fun of prolonging the "mystery". As a hint...this is Adam before the fall. That means he still a virgin!

More to come!


Encyclopedia Bruin said...

This one's mine! I have figured it out as well.

C.Edwards said...

I must be stupid because all I see is two hot guys. I'm going to need another clue...

(If there were timers and buzzers, this would be a great game show for a gay network.)

...great pair of gams though.

j. said...

David - Awesome. Hope you dig 'im!

Francois - Steve went for take-out! If he'd kept a better eye on Adam things would've turned out a whole lot different!

Klahd - Thanks Klahd. Don't feel bad. It took my family five drawings before they got it. The next one is gonna really throw you! :)


DrawFellas said...

Beautiful work! My boyfriend is the previous one...