Thursday, September 27, 2007

IronJaw! Colours by HvH!

This is the coolest! I'm thrilled to post this drawing of Iron Jaw because it was superbly coloured by the immensely talented HvH! I love the fiery background and the textures on the ground and Iron Jaw's skin. The lighting on the axe, too, is great! I encourage you to check out HvH's blog (click his name and you'll magically teleport there) and also to pick up his portfolio and comic book "In the Blink of an Eye". You can get both through Class Comics website or your neighbourhood gay book store or gay friendly comic shop. I've loved HvH's stylish work ever since we found each other through the Blogoverse and I'm really honoured to have him colour one of my drawings.

Oh, and you should also check out Iron Jaw at the link because there are some gorgeous Neal Adams covers at the Atlas Comics site. And I just realized 'pon reading the site info that I actually have every issue of Iron Jaw published. There are only five so it's not that hard a collection to complete. :)



LUC said...

Holy shit guys! NICE!!! What a great combo.

Aneros said...

Nice. I like your style and the background is incredible. Keep up the great work.

HvH said...

This was such a pleasure to paint :) When one gets such a canvas to work on, one can't help but do something cool. Love Bone's work and I've been waiting to do something with him for a while. This was perfect! :)
Thank you Luc and Aneros for the kind words :)

j. said...

Luc - Many thanks. I'm only sorry it took me so long to do the drawing. HvH is so brilliant I couldn't just give him any ol' thing.

Aneros - Thanks. That BG is all HvH.

HvH - Thanks again for the fantastic colour work. Your own art is always so inspiring...I'm thrilled to have collaborated with you.


HvH said...

And lets not stop with only this illustration, J. :)

Hope you don't mind: I'm showing the black and white version of this illustration at my blog and directing people to your blog for the painted version.


PS: When you have more illustrations that want to be painted by me... ;)

Chaz said...

You guys make such an awesome team!
Your drawing is very powerful, lines are so expressive and of course, HvH's colors are superb.
Good job guys!

humbuged said...

You're both fantastic! *idolizes* :D

Anonymous said...





Johnny B Animation said...

Once again, awesome...makes me wish I was in Canada :)