Like a selfish lover Summer has come and gone leaving me with no other alternative than to draw alone. It's true. The days are already getting shorter and the pants are getting longer. I take a jacket or sweater with me when I go out because it can be chilly walking home in just a t-shirt and jeans. I'm extremely glad for the terrific weekend I had at Man-Camp (my pet name for The Point (see previous entry)). The weather was perfect, I managed to get a suntan (actually a bit of a burn) and discovered a new and wonderful vacation destination. I will most definitely be returning next season.
In the meantime I'm buckling down with a re-newed workload, and nearly finalizing art for the sketchbook. I was hoping to be further along by now...all blame for delays rest squarely on my shoulders. I'm picking up the pace on the sketchbook when I get moments of spare time from regular work.
Hope everyone had a good summer (or, if you're on the other side of the world, are looking forward to a good summer ;)
For sunburns: the one thing i learned and retained from neuroscience class is if you have an overabundance of sun on your skin, take 2-3 unbuffered aspirin a few times over a 12 hours period. Not Tylenol or Aleve or Motrin, only adult aspirin works this wonder. sometimes i only need one batch. The aspirin prevents the actual 'burn', which is your body's over-reaction to too much sun. If you have fairer skin, as Mister Bone draws himself to be, you might be pinkish the next day, but no burn after. You can start this even a few hours after you realize you spent too much time out there without lotion. I haven't burnt in years.
(Take this from a half-naked loincloth-wearin' burner with way too much pale skin for his own good.) Speaking of, thanks J for the loincloth week, now how about a full year? :)
Heehee. You said "behind" and there's a picture of a bum. You're so funny.
VJ Spivey - Many thanks for that useful tip. I applied aloe vera lotion while still at the campground and generally kept myself out of the sun for the rest of the weekend. It was painful but not extremely so, and I liked it when my skin blistered and peeled (a weird thing to like, but I haven't had a sunburn since I was a kid and I felt slightly nostalgic).
I'm always happy to oblige but an entire YEAR of loincloths is a lot to ask. :)
Grapestain - :) kisses!
The seasons are changing here in So. California too. We're going from Summer to Brush Fire Season! Actually Fire Season has all ready started. Everybody's holding their breath. Partially in hope and anticipation, partially because there's all ready been a bunch of ash and particulate in the air. Which makes your souvenir summer stud all the more welcome. What can I say? Great face, great shoulders, great arms and great ass! I assume you saw this guy simmering in shallow water at The Man Camp. Any chance of another pose sunning his other side so that he's bronzed all over? I know you've a policy against full frontal nudity so how about including his shadow. Maybe it would illustrate why they call the resort "The Point"!
Musclsvg - Your comments never fail to make me smile. I see your point. He doesn't want to burn his buns.
The drawing is actually based on a photo from the Playgirl Yahoo group I'm a member of. Every day there are a collection of delightful new hunks stuffing themselves through my e-mailbox to greet me. This guy seemed perfect for the end of the season.
Hope you stay safe from the brush fires.
Autumn is actually my favorite time of the year--I love the change in colors, the gorgeous, golden sunsets and the chill in the air.
Even though the men are now more clothed, I think there is more fun in the fact watching (and helping) them undress is lots more fun than seeing them already in that state!
Hey Bone! Would you care to share in which Playgirl Yahoo Group you found this stud? Just wondering.
Lou - In some ways I agree with you. Fall brings out the cuddly, plaid "hunter" type jackets which, on a bearded or scruffy man, can be really hot :) I'm just not a fan of winter at all...and Fall leads to snow, sleet, freezing chill, wearing slippers and warming up my hands so I can draw!
Musclsvg - Sure. Hopefully this link takes you to it http://groups.yahoo.com/group/menofpg/ The best set-up is to accept daily e-mails, which loads up the mailbox but is the only way to see pictures attached to messages. Otherwise you have access to the files section but that doesn't contain all of the images.
Addendum: That link will take you to a Yahoo warning page (age restricted area) but when you sign in, provided you have a yahoo account, you'll get the Men of PG homepage (I think).
amazing. Hope to find one as he this summer ^^
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